Monday, August 30, 2010

Comic Panels Part 2

Look. I got Manga Studio and the Manga Studio for Dummies book ('cause, yeah, obviously) and I did this to my last post. I added tone and captions.

And another panel from the same comic with added tones and captions!

It's a 4 pager called "Human Contact" about love found and lost at the SDCC! With a twist! I've still got to do the last page which may take a few more days as it's the big complicate-y one. Then after that I've got a 5 page story I can't wait to start (and really need to finish by the end of September). That one's my political story and it's really really dark. But funny too. Then, I have a 2 pager based on a poem I wrote a few weeks ago after a weird ass dream about werewolves. By then I should have more short story ideas. That's what I'm focusing on right now. Short Twilight-y Zone-y style-y stories to get me doing more sequentials. The first two stories will be published in an anthology that should debut in October (just in time for the APE). I'll just keep pumping out weird little shorts until somebody loves me.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Human Contact panel

Here's a panel from a 4 page short I'm working on:

I like the Jawa. "Utinni!"

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Old Stuff Again: ROM!

Still busy working on comic stuffs. In the meantime, here is a ROM piece I did a little over a year ago.

I like ROM.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Fertile Ground

Since getting back from SDCC I have been on a creative streak but, alas, that streak did not extend to this blog. Rest assured I am busy on comic projects. In response to my neglecting this blog I present here a 3 page short story I did a little over a year ago (beware: there is one very naughty word). There are flaws that stand up and scream at me when I look at this now. But it's done. And that's something. Flawed but done. I can accept that.

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