Wednesday, June 2, 2010

John Constantine

Good try. Like the book and Constantine's right hand. If all you know of Constantine is that Keanu Reeves movie then you should really check out the comic. Didn't really like the movie all that much. I like Keanu Reeves, don't get me wrong (Go Johnny Utah!), but he ain't no John Constantine. First off, Constantine is English and based mostly in England. Having him be American and based in L.A. is like making Peter Parker Australian and basing Spider-Man in Sydney. Should'a just called Keanu Reeves' Constantine something else. If you're gonna do Constantine DO Constantine. But then, we Americans can't rightly root for no damn foreigner in our movies. We lack that empathy. Like the Beck has said: empathy leads to Fascism. Whoa. Went all political there. Sorry. Back on track. Check out the comic. Sometimes it's a beautiful thing about the horrible and dirty.

1 comment:

  1. Yea--I didn't think the American ver of Lord of the Flies worked either.
