Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Forgotten Mutants part 7: Adam X the X-Treme

Oh the 90s. Everything was so extreme. Ok. Adam X is a Mutant/Shi'ar hybrid with the power to ignite the electrolytes in the bloodstream, causing a person to burn from the inside out. You know, extreme. This guy was hard to draw with all those blades. You don't want to be standing next to him in a crowded subway car.
All those blades? Whatever. It's the backwards baseball cap that makes Adam X so X-Treme. To the max!


  1. I'm really enjoying your inking on this one...looks like you are finding yourself...very nice

  2. Awesome, crisp and clean. I thought it was an old pic from another artist that I knew when I was younger. Who I don't know but that tells me your entering my memory with all the other greats i envy... in a good way.

    Keep up the killer work. I am coming to class tomorrow if Al is having it would love to see you guys then. If not then next week for sure, maybe?

    Would like to see you guys before the end of the year going intot the new one redicated to ths craft called Comics/Manga's Peace Jon E
