Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Shade the Changing Man from "Justice League Dark" DC's New 52 part 16

I love the re-integration of the Vertigo characters to the DCU. Some years back I came up with a way to reconcile the two versions of Shade if ever I was given free reign at DC. But alas, it did not happen. One version was last seen working with the late great Suicide Squad before going missing in a swirl of ambiguity. The other version was tooling around in the Vertigo hinterlands guided by the great Peter Milligan. Now Milligan is back guiding Shade once more in this new book and I couldn't be happier. Well, I could be happier. But this is good too.
Another quicky. I bought three more DC's New 52s today and the month ends in just a couple of days. Will need to accelerate if I'm to keep to schedule.

1 comment:

  1. Love that Iggy Pop, British Anarchist look to your interpretation of the character. It tells a tale just in its attitude alone. LOL Great! Jon E
