Tuesday, January 10, 2012

My Favorite Mutants part 3: Cyclops

Here he is:
I chose his first classic look just 'cause.
Gotta loves the Cyke. Who else has as many alternate universe kids running around in his backyard? He's just a badass. Favorite Cyclops quote (from Grant Morrison, who is, I believe, the architect of the Cyclops renaissance we're having right now): "Relax. I've survived more jet aircraft crashes than any other mutant. Insurance takes care of everything." So true. His life is a series of jet aircraft crashes. Just makes him tougher though. Plus! Takes a real man to be able to date a telepath. Much less two!

1 comment:

  1. Yes! I hate to say it, but I like this one much better...still would have like to have seen where the other was going...
