Monday, February 20, 2012

My Favorite Mutants part 11: Fantomex and E.V.A.

Grant Morrison created him during his run on the X-Men. He's visually based on a 60s Italian comic: Diabolik, that is itself based on a turn of the century French Gothic pulp villain called Fantomas. His name is Charlie-Cluster 7. Also designated Weapon XIII. Wolverine is Weapon X. Captain America is Weapon I. And so on. His history and abilities are somewhat crazy. Even summing it up would take too long. Just Google. Suffice it to say, right now, he's my favorite mutant. I like the crazy stuff. And so much about this guy is mad. Wonderfully mad.

That thing behind him. That's his external nervous system/ flying saucer. But don't worry. He has a back up nervous system. And three brains. And a fake French accent because he was raised in a sort of French Matrix that had a bug in it's operating system. Mad.

That's it for favorite mutants. On to other stuffs.

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